I love my bread books (Dough and Crust) and Andrew's favourite carb is bread, so they come in handy.I made some Fougasse. These are pretty looking breads and dead easy to make. All you have to do is...
View Article. . . And we're back!
I noticed the other day that I hadn't blogged for 4 months. The main reason for this is our PhDs. The blog had become a big distraction, a nice one but a still a distraction. Plus I started a new job...
View ArticlePot Roasted Pheasant with Butterbeans and Chorizo
One of things we look forward to after Christmas is the beginning of the Six Nations Rugby, which starts in February. This usually means that our Saturdays are spent in front of the TV watching 2 or 3...
View ArticleSouvenirs from Northumberland
We had decided to go away for last weeks long weekend. We had planned two different weekends depending on what the weather was doing in Scotland. Our west coast plan was to go to Mull and our east...
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I've been reading several blogs for while now about people growing their own with a lot of envy. We are growing tomatoes, salad leaves and chillies in window boxes but its not quite enough. So when...
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